Photo Gallery - Alison & Brandon


Alison & Brandon

Wedding Day 26. 7. 2007


Civil wedding (New Town Hall)

Dear Natalie,

Thank you for planning our wedding; the results were above our highest expectations. Due to your wonderful recommendations and the smoothness of your planning, the outcome was flawless. Also, each guest walked away and said that this was the 'best' wedding they had ever attended. We owe you and the White Wedding Agency Prague the honor and pride of hearing such a great compliment.

With Great Thanks,

Ali & Brandon

Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
Wedding in Prague Alison & Brandon
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